Constructed Wetlands Competence Centre

Constructed Wetlands are man-made treatment systems that use natural processes which include wetland vegetation, soils, and their associated microbial assemblages to improve water quality. They are applied to sites for the treatment of sewage, wastewater from oil and gas facilities, industrial effluents, sludge, storm water, grey water, agricultural runoff and eutrophic lakes.
Constructed wetlands are a cost-effective and technically feasible approach for treating wastewater. Advantages of wetlands include cost-effectiveness over traditional wastewater processes, low operating and maintenance expenses and effective management of fluctuations in inflow quality and quantity. They are also more aesthetically pleasing and can reduce or eliminate unpleasant odours associated with wastewater.
Oman’s Constructed Wetland Competence Centre is a hub of BAUER Nimr LLC’s specialised expertise based in Muscat. The Constructed Wetland Competence Centre works globally to develop natural wastewater treatment systems for the BAUER Group. The centre is at the forefront of innovative wetland design and construction to develop natural treatment solutions specific to project and client requirements.
Through our Research and Development (R&D) activities there is continuous growth in general improvement and technology. A current focus area is maximising the reuse of treated industrial and sewage water from our constructed wetlands for agricultural purposes. Another key focus of the R&D team is minimising the pressure on scarce water resources in arid regions whilst facilitating the beneficial reuse of treated effluent.
Through our Constructed Wetland Competence Centre clients have immediate access to a team of experienced wetland specialists, designers, builders and operators. The centre also boasts an interdisciplinary team of highly qualified and experienced engineers, scientists and economists, all of whom are focused on developing constructed wetland solutions. Depending on the scope of a project, we offer our partners and clients a broad range of targeted services ranging from feasibility studies, design and construction through to maintenance and training.

Waste Management Services

BAUER Nimr LLC values exceptional service provision. In partnerships with various municipalities and private firms across the Sultanate BAUER Nimr is working to create safe and sustainable environments for residents and local businesses.
Not only are we Oman’s leading environmental services company, we are also devoted community partners. We pride ourselves in working with municipalities and private businesses to lower expenses whilst maintaining a high level of service. Working together as a team, we strive to preserve health, promote sustainability and keep public spaces clean and litter-free for citizens to enjoy.
BAUER Nimr offers a complete range of waste management services ranging from consulting, feasibility studies, engineering, design and construction of facilities through to the operation and maintenance of existing plants and assets.
Our unmatched commitment to effective waste management services has diverted over 60% of waste from landfill disposal. To support the Sultanate’s initiative and diversion goals, BAUER Nimnr aims to raise this to 90% in a short period of time.
We have studiously put together a team of highly trained and experienced drivers and technicians whose sole function is to support the company in preserving a high level of customer service in the collection and disposal of waste. We have an impressive record of health and safety delivery whilst maintaining a high standard of quality compliance to ISO standards. This ensures that BAUER Nimr produces robust, environmentally-friendly solutions that suit our clients requirements along with the added value of economic viability and, most importantly of all, our ethical work methods and social responsibility.
Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil Bioremediation

BAUER Nimr LLC offers a vast array of treatment technologies that address the environmental and economic issues companies experience when disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, contaminated soil and dredged material.
But what makes us different?
Based on the vast experience of our specialised staff we know that every project is unique and we treat it that way. BAUER Nimr has successfully remediated more than 500,000 tons of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in Oman since 2011. Our bioremediation system solutions are natural, green and cost-effective alternatives using micro-organisms that exist inherently in the surrounding environment.
As Oman’s leading provider of hydrocarbon contaminated soil bioremediation solutions, BAUER Nimr has created a streamlined and highly-effective solids and fluid treatment system that provides the oil and gas industry with additional sustainable waste options. BAUER’s German research facilities have developed a system that ensures reliable treatment methods that help producers to conscientiously and economically manage the solid and fluid waste generated from drilling and production operations.
The combination of our various technologies, locations, and experienced team will result in a soil treatment and recycling or disposal plan that is tailored specifically to work in the client’s project site. Our bioremediation solutions are designed, and constantly monitored, to work with local conditions and enhance the natural cleaning processes.
Whether it is light or highly hazardous contamination, our array of proven treatment technologies are uniquely specific to our clients’ needs.

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)

By their very nature, hazardous wastes pose a very real risk to the environment that surrounds us. It is increasingly vital to establish protocols to ensure all hazardous waste materials are properly handled and treated.
Acting as consultants to a cross-section of companies in the oil and gas industry, BAUER Nimr LLC provides full-service environmental management strategies. Specializing in the areas of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) it is our mission to give our clients the capability to cost effectively protect their workers and facilities as well as the public and the environment from the adverse effects of radioactive materials.
Tailored to the specific needs of each client, our professional services provide cost-effective, sustainable NORM and environmental management solutions that reduce environmental liabilities and meet, or exceed, regulatory requirements.
Staffed with industry professionals recognized for their professionalism and track-records, BAUER Nimr gives clients a wealth of experience from projects around the world. By being able to efficiently address the unique and diverse challenges associated with NORM, so there is a drastic increase in effective time management that also results in financial savings.
BAUER Nimr offers turnkey solutions for the management of NORM in oil and gas operations as well as manufacturing and municipality facilities.
- Risk assessment and feasibility studies
- Radiation protection services
- NORM awareness training
- Process design
- Procedures and Protocol
- Personal dosimeter and calibration services
- Consultancy for NORM waste treatment, storage and disposal
- NORM monitoring
- Classification
- Documentation
- Sampling for NORM
- Transport
- Segregation
- Descaling /Decontamination
- Processing
- Conditioning
- Packaging
- Radiation measurement
- Clearance measurement
- Radiological analysis
- Documentation
- Tagging
- Transport
- Treatment of sludge and scales
- Disposal